When evaluating page configuration and design, there is a delicate, yet tactical method to utilize images in an SEO-friendly way (beyond ALT tags) that improves your search rank while permitting you to incorporate the essential advertising message(s). Mixed up? Let’s review a sample:
Supposing you control a travel website and you want to improve a specified page for the term “Las Vegas hotel”. Supposing that you also want to contain an tempting marketing note such as “Book now to save!”. The above-mentioned tagline lacks expressive text, but holds convincing features. That being said, you may want to place the tagline in an image and the key phrase (i.e. Las Vegas hotel) in a header tag. This places distinction on the preferred term, yet still affords a marketing prospect devoid of conceding keyword stability.
In other words, pictures are a great place to attach marketing messages that are absence the essential keywords and phrases. Leveraging this method will make certain that descriptive text is indexed, while less marketing gobbledygook is ignored. The mixture of keyword-rich content and inviting messaging will please both sides of the tactical calculation.